Technophany, General Issue, Vol. 3. No.1 (2024)
Technophany, Journal of Philosophy and Technology is pleased to announces the publication of its General Issue, Vol. 3. No. 1. (2024). This general issue publishes multiple cutting edge research on the hermeneutics of AI, Indian thought of technology, Bataille and technology, etc., as well as book reviews on new publications and translation such as Raymond Ruyer’s Cybernetics and the Origins of Information. You can find the full content of the issue below.
The Symbiosis Concept Applied to the Human Technological Culture
Theo Wobbes
The Imperative of Co-existence: On Technique in Georges Bataille's Social Theory
Tomás Ramos Mejía
How Should Men be Made? Preciado in the Gender Laboratory
Jamie Ranger
Migrant Techniques and Subversive Milieus: On the Absence of Technics in India
Roshni Babu
Is Generative AI Ready to Join the Conversation That We Are? Gadamer’s Hermeneutics after ChatGPT
Robert Hornby
Looping Nature: Recursivity, Epigenesis and Ideology
Florian Endres
Book Reviews
Toward an Anthropology of Screens. Showing and Hiding, Exposing and Protecting by Mauro Carbone and Graziano Lingua
Andrea Zoppis
Cybernetics and the Origin of Information by Raymond Ruyer
Philippe Gagnon
Parallel Minds: Discovering the Intelligence of Materials by Laura Tripaldi
Scott Schwartz
The Phenomenology of Virtual Technology: Perception and Imagination in a Digital Age by Daniel O'Shiel
Tiffany Petricini